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foreign academic credentials evaluation

Case Study: 4-Year Degree Completed in Three Years

USCIS denied his immigration visa on the basis that he had actually completed a 3-year degree rather than a four-year Bachelor Degree. Using extensive research material, CCI was able to issue a foreign academic credentials evaluation indicating that the client had indeed graduated from a four-year Bachelor Degree program. On appeal, the USCIS reviewed the information and concluded that the client did indeed have the U.S. equivalency of a four-year Bachelor Degree. His immigration visa was approved.]]>

Foreign Credentials Evaluations: What Diplomas Make the Grade? . If your university is listed here, your degree will probably be recognized as accredited education by the U.S. Department of Education. This is the educational authority recognized as well by USCIS. Some universities, such as some accredited institutions within the United Kingdom, can be located at other websites as well. Sometimes, a private educational institution or university operating within a particular country will be recognized as accredited education as well. These foreign academic credentials may be issued by a private university or by that country’s department or ministry of education. For example, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is an educational institution established by that country’s statutes and passing those examinations can yield the U.S. equivalency of a degree as well. Determining whether some foreign diplomas, such as certain postgraduate diplomas offered in some countries, are accredited can be a difficult process. For this reason, many foreign academic credentials evaluation agencies, including Career Consulting International, offers pre-evaluation reports. These can be used to offer students an idea of whether their education can indeed be evaluated as the international equivalency of an accredited degree. Not all diplomas do meet U.S. requirements for accredited education, and extenuating circumstances apply. For this reason, the USCIS generally requires persons who have obtained their degrees outside the U.S. to have an educational evaluation performed before an employment-based visa is issued. Do your homework, and get your degree evaluated so you will know whether your diploma will make the grade!]]>

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